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New feature

Social Pulse add-on

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • June 04, 2024

We've created a new add-on for Ambassify that lets you gain more insight into the engagement of your members' shared posts. The add-on adds two new columns to the sharing report:

- Reactions: the number of all likes and other reactions expressed on a member's shared post (like, support, sad, favorite, celebrate, etc.)

- Comments: the number of comments on a member's shared post.

These metrics are available on posts shared using our "API share" feature. That means to get these metrics:

- You need to have API share enabled

- The post must be on one of the supported networks (Facebook Pages, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Companies, or X)

- The post was not from an anonymous user on a landing page campaign


If you are interested in learning more about this new add-on, don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.